'We are skill gamers, not gamblers': Indian esports and skill gamers appeal to Tamil Nadu government

  • The Esports Players Welfare Association (EPWA), which represents thousands of Indian eSports athletes and skill gamers, has proposed to the Tamil Nadu government to recognize skill gaming as a separate sport and not equate it with gambling.
  • The EPWA has stated that the government should provide a safe haven for professional, amateur, and casual online skill gamers in the form of an exemption from state-related gambling and gaming law coverage.
  • Two Indian chess players are also leading this appeal. The Tamil Nadu government is actively considering a report on rummy and other skill games and seeking input from various stakeholders on proposed online gaming legislation.
  • "We are skill gamers, not gamblers": Indian esports and skill gamers appeal to the Tamil Nadu government. A powerful association representing thousands of Indian esports athletes and skill gamers has proposed that skill gaming be recognized as a separate sport and not be considered gambling. Two Indian chess players have also supported their cause. The Esports Players Welfare Association (EPWA) has stated that the Tamil Nadu government should provide a safe haven for professional, hobbyist, and casual online skill gamers exempt from state-related gambling and gaming laws. This comes as controversy has arisen over rummy and other skill games in Tamil Nadu.


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